I'm Rita

I design products with great user experience in the Center of Engineering at Bosch.

I'm a strong advocate of user research methods. I facilitated workshops internationally, and it's exciting how much we can learn by asking the right questions.

I work daily on design systems and components — I go into detail on typography, iconography, brand guidelines, and grids to deliver pixel-perfect assets.

My experience in web development allows me to anticipate the impacts of design decisions, so I can ensure the products are feasible to develop.

Selected projects

Bosch Smart Buildings


UX Designer


Design systems, DesignOps, accessibility

The Research and Development Center of Aveiro focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT), contributing to making homes and cities more intelligent and efficient. As a designer in the software team, I collaborate closely with product managers, product owners, designers, and developers, contributing directly to products for properties and large buildings.

City buildings with hot water, pools, solar energy
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Walking Art Maps


Developer, UX Designer


Web development, responsive design, data

Walking Art Maps is an exhibition showcasing the creative process behind the city's most renowned monuments, statues, and murals. As the designer and developer of the online catalog for the museum, my goal was to ensure that both online and on-site visitors comprehended the rich history behind each artwork.

Person learning more about an artwork on their phone
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Website screenshot showing artworks and their location of the map
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Website view on phone resolution
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Spreadsheet used for collecting the artworks data
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The Library is Open


UX Researcher


Card-sorting, field studies, interviews

Leeszaal is a library in the Netherlands, operated by over 100 volunteers, where books are free and don't need to be returned. With this interesting setup, the research goal was to give volunteers more information about users and their needs.

People doing card sorting around a table
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Hand-written papers showing the outcome of user research
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Hand-written papers showing the outcome of user research
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Semi-structured interviews. Main research points
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Photography. Person holding a phone using the Ecotaxi app

UX Design

Ecotaxi App • 2022

View of the colors, chip and cards of the design system

UX Design

Ecotaxi Design System • 2022

Logotype versions and branding applications


Generation Covid • 2022

Wiki landpage

Research, Development

Networks of Care Wiki • 2020

Brand on top of a photography showing bees


Food Policy Lab • 2020

Rita speaking on a conference stage

Workshop, Presentation

Thursday Night Live! at Het Nieuwe Instituut • 2018

Talk to me!

I'm passionate about studying and working with international teams. I've done presentations and held workshops at Ars Electronica (Linz), Art Meets Radical Opennes (Linz), Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam), Varia Centre for Everyday Technology (Rotterdam), oMuseu (Porto), and WORM (Rotterdam).